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I'm Nova, a genderqueer fagdyke who uses zi/zir/zirself pronouns, and this website is a collection and display of all my thoughts, interests, and creations.
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2024-10-15: I feel like I've done so much in the past couple weeks lmao. We had a town festival this weekend so I spent a lot of time there. I had to perform with my dance class and I fell on my face. Oof. Yesterday I rewatched all the G1 Monster High movies. I also started working on patch pants this past week! Probably gonna make a page on here for them. I dyed my hair pink! I also got some "i <3 boobies!" bracelets. A week or so ago I messed around with burning CDs for the first time but I am having issues with either my discs, my burner, or my computer. Oh, I watched Rocky Horror Picture Show recently!! I got my face painted as floor-show-Janet at my town's festival. I also started working on making some flared leg warmers. My current pink pants are getting tight so I think I'm gonna deconstruct them and dye a new pair of pants (pink and orange).